First draft - uncompleted
This was my first draft, I changed it drastically as the music didn't fit the genre of the film. If I kept it in then it would've caused confusion for the viewers for what type of film it was. The music was also too slow and didn't match the codes and conventions of a horror film, due to the song being too slow it caused my trailer to be too long. To improve on this trailer, I needed to find new music that fits the tone of the movie and also I needed to make the trailer shorter.
Second draft
For my second draft of the trailer, I changed the music. The music fits the codes and conventions of a horror movie much better than the music choice in my first draft. The ticking sound in the music creates a feeling like its building up to something big. I also added the Netflix logo at the beginning and at the end, this makes the trailer feel like an actual Netflix movie trailer. I also added some stock footage of an overhead establishing shot of the woods. This made it more clear that the whole movie is set in these woods.
Final completed trailer
As we further watched it within my class, the feedback on my second draft started to develop. For example, the scene when the characters are discussing their missing friend and they should try find him. The music continued to play during this scene but as my peers pointed out, it clashed with the dialogue and it wasn't clear what they were saying. To improve this, I have cut the music at that scene so that you can hear the characters clearly. In the final shot of the trailer, it reveals an unidentified character looking at the missing poster. In my second draft, this scene felt a bit seperated from the rest of the trailer like it wasn't connected. To fix this, I added a screech sound effect and a cross zoom effect to add a bit more depth to this scene. In editing, you hear a sound before you see what it is, so this screech sound effect helps to fill the eye with a sound effect. I also changed the title screen.